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NBC happy at least 2.8 million have died of COVID-19 because of global warming and “earth” or something

Leave to communist media hacks like NBC to try and spin the at least 2.8 million deaths from the China virus as a “good thing” for the planet. NBC, calling it a “gift” crowed about how The environment has been given a “gift.” “Planet Earth got a rare break.” Talk about tone deaf.

Rather than focus on the true horror, Kerry Sanders hyped, “When the nation and world shut down, Planet Earth got a rare break and for the first time we saw more deer and Turkeys near Boston, dolphins swimming in a quieter New York harbor, and waterways in Venice so clear you could see jellyfish.”

Talking to a University of Miami professor, Sanders used the word “gift” to refer to the global killer that wrecked economies and put millions out of work: “Nobody would have wanted to see this pandemic, but from a science standpoint, the data you have collected is a gift.”