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Bend Oregon police dog named ‘Lil Kim’ accused of being racist, forced to change name (wokeness yo!)

Apparently, even in the “woke” culture of 2021, dogs are racists too. A Bend, Oregon police dog named “Lil Kim” was deemed to be a racist and forced to change names because apparently there’s a female rapper with the same name. Yes, this is what liberalism does. Of course, if you think about it, the pansies in Oregon who caved to wokeness may have done this poor dog a favor. I mean, being named after some talentless hack is kind of insulting if you think about it.

The Bend Police Department has changed the name of one of its K9s, “Lil’ Kim,” following a controversy over the fact that it shares a name with Grammy award-winning rapper Lil’ Kim, Oregon Public Broadcasting reports.

Riccardo Waites, the founder of the Central Oregon Black Leaders Assembly, said in a video Thursday that he met with Bend Police Chief Mike Krantz to express concerns about the dog’s name.

“It’s a little tiny black dog, K9 dog, that the police call ‘Lil’ Kim.’ If you’re a person of color, or if you’re a fan of Lil’ Kim, you know her significance in Hip Hop. You also know that she’s a gangster rapper,” he said in the video. “Just to be honest, I don’t want to see Lil’ Kim out there biting people of color.”


Waites went on to say that Chief Krantz agreed to only use the dog’s actual name, Kim, in the future.