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Lyin Biden now wants ending filibuster as Democrats begin gun grab

Remember during the campaign and debates when Lyin Biden claimed he didn’t support ending the filibuster? Just like everything, it seems that Lyin’ Biden was lying and has flipped. He wants s badly to grab guns, change elections, give amnesty to illegals and so forth. So now, Biden wants to end the filibuster.

Democrat President Joe Biden reportedly held a recent secret meeting in the White House with “historians” to discuss how “big” of an agenda he could push and how “fast” he could “jam” it through.

The agenda that Biden is pursuing would bring “once-in-a-lifetime historic changes to America,” Axios reported. Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declared in November that if Democrats won both U.S. Senates in the Georgia runoff elections that Democrats would “change America.”

“The historians’ views were very much in sync with his own: It is time to go even bigger and faster than anyone expected. If that means chucking the filibuster and bipartisanship, so be it,” the report said. “People close to Biden tell us he’s feeling bullish on what he can accomplish, and is fully prepared to support the dashing of the Senate’s filibuster rule to allow Democrats to pass voting rights and other trophy legislation for his party.”

The agenda that Biden wants to enact includes a crackdown on the Second Amendment, passing a highly controversial election reform bill, and a radical climate agenda.

The report says that Biden reportedly “loves” the media-generated narrative “that he’s bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said this week that Biden is in regular contact with former President Obama to consult with him on a wide range of issues.