STOP THE HATE AGAINST ASIAN-AMERICANS! That’s all we heard all week after the shooting in Atlanta, which wasn’t even targeting Asian-Americans. Yet, when there is actual Asian-American hate at the San Francisco school board, it’s completely ignored by the media. Alison Collins, a racist, anti-Asian-American member of the San Francisco made tweets in 2016 not only bashing Asian-Americans, but also claiming they use “white supremacists’ ways of thinking to get ahead. San Francisco even though it’s basically a communist shithole has a lot of Asian-Americans living there, going to school and working there. Asian-Americans aren’t the problems. It’s ignored, racist hacks like Alison Collins.
I grew up in mostly Asian Am schools and know this experience all to well. Many Asian Am. believe they benefit from the "model minority" BS.
— Alison Collins 高勵思 (@AliMCollins) December 4, 2016
The silence from the left on this racist witch is deafening.