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Biden sends Arizona’s stockpile of AstraZeneca (Oxford) vaccine to Mexico and Canada

You’ve probably heard about all the problems with AstraZeneca (Oxford) COVID-19 in Europe. Blood clots is one of the more serious symptoms some people have developed after getting that vaccine. But the AstraZeneca (Oxford) vaccine still has not been approved for use in this country. Despite this, Arizona had millions of this vaccine in it’s stock for people in case it ever gets approved for use here. But Joe Biden decided that he wanted the people in Mexico to get the vaccine before people in Arizona, shipping millions of dosses of the AstraZeneca (Oxford) to Mexico and Canada, before Americans get vaccinated. It’s probably just a matter of time before the AstraZeneca (Oxford) vaccine is approved for use in this country, so why the hell is Biden giving it to other countries when Americans who want the vaccination, can’t even get it?

Apparently Biden values the life of people in other countries above those of Americans.

The Biden administration has agreed to supply Mexico with excess doses of coronavirus vaccine, and Mexico is moving to help the United States contain a migration surge along its southern border, according to senior officials from both countries involved in the conversations.

The decision to send AstraZeneca vaccine to Mexico and to Canada is expected to be announced Friday. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had asked President Biden to help them fill vaccine shortfalls in recent talks.

Mexican and U.S. officials who described the agreement said it was not a quid pro quo conditioning the delivery of vaccine doses on an enforcement crackdown. Rather, the United States made clear it sought help from Mexico managing a record influx of Central American teenagers and children. Mexico pledged to take back more Central American families “expelled” under a U.S. emergency health order, while also urging Biden to share the U.S. vaccine supply, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the conversations.