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Russia recalls its ambassador to the U.S.

The whole Russia conspiracy from 2016 still lives on despite all the litigation, phony witch hunts, fake news and so forth. Some are even claiming now that Russia hacked the 2020 election in order to try and “help Trump”. You see how well that went. Russia, apparently pissed off about this is recalling their ambassador to the U.S. to Moscow. We are already in a cold ware with China. Are we going back to a cold war with Russia too now? Biden=Jimmy Carter.

Russia is recalling its ambassador to the United States for consultations, the foreign ministry said Wednesday without citing a specific reason.

The move to bring Anatoly Antonov to Moscow comes amid rising tensions with President Joe Biden’s administration, which has imposed sanctions over the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is now in prison.

It also comes on the heels of a declassified report from the US national intelligence director’s office that finds President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations to help Donald Trump in last November’s presidential election.