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Families trapped at the border say Biden betrayed them

As the border crisis worsens and worsens, illegal immigrants are growing more angry with Joe Biden, despite somehow being given Biden campaign shirts. Some illegals are saying Biden has betrayed them wait at the border. This despite the fact thousands of illegals, and hundreds of COVID-19 positive illegal aliens have been allowed into the country anyway. Frankly, I don’t blame all these illegals flooding in. If you lived in their shithole Central American country, and communist Democrats were offering you free stuff to come here, you probably would move too.

The reality of Biden’s immigration policy is slowly becoming clear, and it’s not what thousands of vulnerable migrants expected, nor needed. In an interview with ABC News on Tuesday, Biden finally said it out loud in a message designed to discourage those who are desperate to escape their countries: “Don’t come over.”

Juanita spoke to The Daily Beast while she packed up two small backpacks to start her journey back to Guatemala. “We thought this president was going to be different to us, but it is more of the same,” she said. “I feel he lied to us.”

Juanita and her daughters left Guatemala early in February, fleeing the land where her husband was killed after a series of extortions, and driven by the hope of a new president who promised more humane immigration policies.

“We crossed the border from Piedras Negras and turned ourselves in to the Border Patrol,” said Juanita. “They had us for only a couple of days in a shelter and then told us they will take us to a bigger shelter in Houston with more capacity for families,” she said.

Instead, she and at least three other families were flown into El Paso only to be expelled within hours of landing on U.S. soil and sent to the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez.

“They didn’t say anything to us. Only asked us to jump into a bus and then asked us to start walking. I only understood we were being sent back to Mexico after reading a sign that said ‘Welcome to Mexico,’” she said.