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Demond M. Buchanan was on registration of car (Chevrolet Camaro) driven by Nica Holbert

Officer Josh Baker was forced to return fire on Nica Holbert in Nashville after she was pulled over in a Chevrolet Camaro that had been registered to Demond M. Buchanan. The license plate on the Chevrolet Camaro matched that of the name on file, Demond M. Buchanan who has multiple warrants out for his arrest.

There is little to no information out there on Demond M. Buchanan, other than the New York Post mentioned there were warrants out for him on drug related crimes. I wish Nika Holbert wouldn’t have died, but she shouldn’t have pulled a gun on officer Baker. In this situation, the officer acted completely right. There’s no knee on the neck, no choke hold (like with Eric Garner) or any other suspicious actions by officer Josh Baker who was also shot. He is currently in the hospital recovering from a shot to the torso.

I’m just waiting for the communist media to start gaslighting this story and cause more riots and destruction.