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Democrats asks Merrick Garland to investigate FBI’s background check of Brett Kavanaugh–alleging that it may have been ‘fake’

Communist Democrats like Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island are calling on radical AG Merrick Garland to investigate FBI’s background check of Brett Kavanaugh. Whitehouse and Democrats are –alleging that it may have been ‘fake’. Seriously? The wimpy snot nostrils Chris Wray would do a “fake” background check on someone nominated by Trump? Come on man!

After what Brett Kavanaugh and the rest of the so called “conservative” SCOTUS judges, expect for Clarence Thomas pulled what they did with the election fraud cases, I really don’t care at this point. The Supreme Court is basically a non factor now, even with a so called 6-3 “conservative” majority. They are scared of their own shadow, more worried about BLM and AntiFA threatening them than actually doing justice. This includes the Bush lackey Kavanaugh, who Trump shouldn’t have picked in the first place. If Democrats are going to go after him, I simply just don’t care anymore.

Kavanaugh is nothing more than a John Roberts clone. Have fun on your witch hunt Democrats! Personally, I don’t think he raped Christy Blasey Ford. He’s just a dirty, rotten no good establishment hack. This is likely to try and distract away from Killer Cuomo in New York.