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Why Biden refuses to call on Andrew Cuomo to resign.. He’s a sex pervert groper too!

An out of breath, frail looking Joe Biden was asked yesterday if Cuomo should resign after seven women have come out and accused gropy Cuomo of sexual harassment. Biden, like a typical communist Democrat wouldn’t say Cuomo should step down, only that Cuomo is under investigation and he wants to see what happens with that. But the real reason creepy Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris) wouldn’t call on Cuomo to step down is because groping and sexual harassment are a staple of the Democrat party. It’s almost like a badge of courage for communist Democrats. Look at all the women and kids Joe Biden himself groped during his time as Vice President. There is also a rape allegation against Biden by a former aide in the Senate.

Of course I could go on. Bill Clinton, the Kennedy Family, David Wu, Anthony Weiner, Eric Massa, Eliot Spitzer and so one.

Come on MAN! You think Biden is going to call out Cuomo for basically emulating Biden?