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Andrew Cuomo blames cancel culture for his sex pervert ways

Heh. This is just too damn funny. Andrew Cuomo is now whining about cancel culture and refusing to resign as governor after a seventh woman, Jessica Bakeman came forward to accuse Cuomo of unwanted groping. Ironically, of all things for this scumbag Cuomo to blame, he blamed “cancel culture” for wanting him to resign. This is just hilarious after being deemed the “luv guv” and non funny comedian hacks declaring themselves “Cuomosexuals” last year. You know what even more funny and ironic? Andrew Cuomo is everything the communist Democrats and state run media accused Donald Trump of being. Gotta suck when the left finally eats their own with cancel culture doesn’t it?

Personally, instead of resigning, I’d rather see Cuomo be impeached, and see if the communist New York Democrats actually have the stones to do it, which I doubt they would.