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Shocker! Biden fact-checked, proven a liar by ABC and AP on COVID-19

Biden, the dog faced pony solider is a liar and his speech tonight added to his legacy of lying. The most shocking thing about this is not that Joe Biden lied. It’s the fact the corrupt, state run media is actually fact checking Biden finally, and admitting Biden lied. There are two so far. One from ABC, another from the Associated Press. These were before tonight’s speech where Biden claimed “he will never lie”. Biden also tried to take credit for the vaccines. This of course would not have been possible without Operation Warp Speed Both worked feverishly to sabotage Trump and give Biden nothing but tongue baths over the first disastrous 51 days. But something changed:

ABC fact check: ‘The mess we inherited’: Biden leans heavily on Trump’s ‘Warp Speed’ but won’t give credit

Biden has guaranteed vaccine supply using Trump-era contracts.

Biden’s playbook for vaccine distribution has relied heavily on a system created by the Trump administration, including federal partnerships with state officials and agreements with local pharmacies. In fact, the federal pharmacy program created by Trump aides is what Biden relied on last week to expand eligibility to teachers…

When Biden took office, it’s true that the U.S. government hadn’t ensured that it would have enough supply to cover every adult with vaccines already authorized by federal regulations.

But that’s in part because Trump officials last year were eyeing a third vaccine — Johnson & Johnson — that only required one shot, was easier to handle and was on the cusp of authorization.

Under Trump, the U.S. agreed to buy enough doses for 200 million adults from vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna with “options” to buy more if necessary. It also had purchased enough J&J vaccine to buy supply for 100 million adults once authorized — enough supply to cover every U.S. adult by summer.

Associated Press Fact Check Biden admin wrong on vaccine pace, elderly:

For an administration that prides itself on talking straight about the pandemic, the self-congratulation Wednesday went too far.

President Joe Biden wrongly claimed the U.S. vaccinated a record 2.9 million people on Saturday while his special adviser on the pandemic exaggerated the share of older Americans who’ve been fully immunized.

A look at how their statements compare with the facts:

BIDEN: “On Saturday, we hit a record of 2.9 million vaccinations in one day in America.”

ANDY SLAVITT, special adviser to the White House virus task force: “On Saturday, we set an all-time, single-day record: nearly 3 million Americans vaccinated — a pace seen nowhere else in the world.” — leading off a task force briefing.

THE FACTS: The claim is off base.

The government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 2.9 million doses were recorded Saturday but that total comes from multiple days of vaccinations. Only 1.56 million doses were administered Saturday, as currently reported by the CDC.

That’s far from a one-day record. The most productive day for vaccinations was Feb. 26, when 2.8 million doses were administered.