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Biden speech disaster uses card as prop to say how many from COVID-19

As expected, the Comrade Joe Biden gave his propaganda speech tonight of doom and gloom, previewing what might happen in the coming weeks and months. Biden even brought a prop, a card with the total death total from COVID-19. That could have just been put into the teleprompter he read from, but he chose to use the card prop instead. That was likely thought up by Ron Klain or Kamala Harris.

As the speech went on, after the prop was put back, Biden was visably fading. He appeared to be squinting in order to read the teleprompt, started to stump over the lecturn and his voice began to fade as if he was getting too tired and it was passed his bedtime.

This is what is currently running this country people. Those of you who didn’t vote for Trump because you “didn’t like his attitude” should be very proud of yourselves.