Fredo Chris Cuomo, the younger, roid raging brother of pervert, senior citizen serial killer Andrew Cuomo decided to make a declaration on his little watched show tonight. Fredo Cuomo claimed he can not gover it, but it’s his brother or something. This of course never stopped the two Cuomo crime family clowns from playing pattycakes on TV during a lot of last during when Andrew Cuomo was busy writing books, killing seniors and getting Emmy awards with a fawning, Obama-Biden like media.
Fredo Chris Cuomo on his pervert, nursing home COVID brother Andrew “I can’t cover it, because he’s my brother” |
Impossible position for Chris Cuomo.
Says he can’t cover Gov scandal because it’s his brother. But covered him extensively when the media considered him a COVID hero.
Can’t have it both ways.
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) March 2, 2021
Fredo Chris Cuomo actually had to nerve to claim that CNN is covering the Cuomo scandal and covering it “extensively”. Say what Fredo? Your pathetic little network has barely even mentioned your failing brother on TV. If you go to right now, there is one little blurb of a story about the New York Attorney General and the Second Accuser (Charlotte Bennett). By the way we are up to three accusers now.