So now the media, frustrated that Trump beat another sham impeachment is trying t defend the House impeachment managers in their attempt to doctor evidence. This is a new one even for the scum bag media, but that’s exactly what CBS hack Lana Zak tried to get away with today while interviewing Trump attorney Michael van der Veen. For his part, Mr. Van Der Veen remained about as calm as he could as Lana Zak tried to defend communist Democrats doctoring evidence. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with this left wing hack Lana Zak.
Watch: Trump attorney Michael van der Veen just destroys CBS hack Lana Zak after she defends House managers doctoring of evidence |
I know, it’s been a very bad week for communists and their propagandist in the media. Between Trump’s acquittal, Cuomo’s exposing and Pelosi’s meltdown, I guess I can’t blame no name hack Lana Zak for having a meltdown of her own.