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China Mitch McConnell says “close call”, but he will vote to acquit Trump

Here’s a bit of a surprise for me. I was expecting China Mitch McConnell to vote to charge Trump in the sham Senate impeachment witch trial. I thought this is what his masters in China wanted him to do. Now, McConnell indicates that it was a “close call” for him to vote for conviction, but instead he will vote to acquit. This basically ends any slim chance that communist Democrats and Lincoln Project RINOs had at convicting Trump. This is the statement McConnell released, all I’ll say is I’m not impressed.

China Mitch McConnell says “close call”, but he will vote to acquit Trump
China Mitch McConnell says

I guess China Mitch McConnell couldn’t deal with the backlash his constituents gave him when it was still up in the air if he would vote to convict or not.