You wouldn’t hear the corrupt media drone on for weeks and weeks about left wing violence inspired by Joe Biden tonight in Washington D.C. But despite the 20,000+ national guard troops, the “security” and millions wasted on fencing around the Capitol, left wing terrorists, including AntiFA and Black Lives Matter are out on the streets of DC tonight, hassling outdoor diners, gathering in groups for a COVID “super-spreader event” and starting their usual bit of trouble, and guess what? They media is silent. Amazing what happens when left wing terrorists riot at the Capitol, versus a handful of Qanon loony toons..
Where’s the national guard? AntiFA terrorists as they hassle diners |
Where the hell are the national guard? Too busy setting up their cold Senate garage steps for bed time?
Washington, DC: Police push #antifa back as they gather around diners during their street march.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 7, 2021
#Antifa in DC claim the streets as theirs and threaten to “burn it down” during the march. They carry their insignia on a flag.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 7, 2021
“No KKK, no fascist USA!”
Police in DC stand in front of diners to protect them from the BLM-Antifa protesters. Many customers at restaurants have been confronted & even assaulted by far-left protesters in recent past. #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 7, 2021
“Burn it down,” they chant.
BLM-Antifa are marching through Washington, DC. #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 7, 2021