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Crazy bartender Ocasio-Cortez “seriously considering” primarying Schumer for New York Senate

Oh I hope this is true. New York deserves the worst. They already have it bad with Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, but imagine a nut job like Ocasio-Cortez? According to reports, she is seriously considering primarying Cryin’ Chuck next year, but so far is undecided. Please AOC! DO IT!

Crazy bartender Ocasio-Cortez “seriously considering” primarying Schumer for New York Senate
Crazy bartender Ocasio-Cortez

The two-term congresswoman is seriously considering campaigning for the seat but is so far undecided, according to people familiar with her thinking. Multiple sources said her decision will be contingent on how Schumer wields power with his new Democratic majority in the upcoming months: Will he be pushed around by Mitch McConnell? Or will he work to pass ambitious, progressive legislation favored by the left?

“It’s dependent on what Schumer does,” said Waleed Shahid, communications director for Justice Democrats, the left-wing group that recruited Ocasio-Cortez to run for Congress, referring to a challenge by her or another progressive candidate. “Schumer will have to explain every one of his decisions to one of the most progressive primary electorates in the country, and if voters think he’s capitulating to Mitch McConnell and not organizing his caucus to deliver for working families, then he’s going to be in some trouble.”

So far, Ocasio-Cortez has been careful to avoid tipping her hand in public.

“The congresswoman represents one of the districts most heavily impacted by Covid and that remains her priority and focus,” her spokesperson Lauren Hitt said when asked about a primary challenge.