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Whaaa! Adam Kinzinger (RINO traitor) complains that primarying Cheney is “cancel culture”

One of the most disgusting, phony RINO “Republicans” is Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. This slug voted with his buddy Cheney to impeach Trump, and is a favorite on the left wing Sunday shows, as well as several NeverTrump Fox News shows. The district is in the upper middle part of the state and far enough away from Chicago to be a safe Republican seat. Yet Kinzinger is a slug, and is now whining about those trying to primary Liz Cheney in the 2022 election.

Whaaa! Adam Kinzinger (RINO traitor) complains that primarying Cheney is “cancel culture”

Losers lie Kinzinger have no problem when the violent left wing thugs riot, loot, burn or use “cancel culture” against any business associated with Republicans they hate. Yet if you dare primary a warmongering, establishment hack like Cheney, they cry about it.

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) going to Wyoming to campaign against Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for voting to impeach former President Donald Trump was “totally GOP cancel culture.”

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “I’m curious, is there just no room for disagreement in the Republican Party when it comes to Donald Trump? This is to me, a form of cancel culture, is it not?”

Kinzinger said, “It is totally. If you look at Matt Gaetz going to Wyoming because a tough woman has an independent view, and he doesn’t want to explain why he voted for impeachment, that’s totally GOP cancel culture. I think what a significant part of the base wants, we can have a diverse opinion. Peter Meijer from Michigan, good friend of mine, he and I are on other ends of the spectrum on things like foreign policy, but I respect his view. That’s what the Republican Party needs to be, the optimistic party in the future. We need to quit being the party that supports an insurrection, a dead police officer, and other dead Americans on the Capitol. There’s no equivalency to that. We have to run from that as fast as we can.”