On Facebook, a Trump supporter posted something that should scare the hell out of you and everyone else. Because he was a Trump supporter, traveling on a trip to Mexico with his daughter, he was stopped by TSA at the airport over ‘facial recognition match’. This person and his daughter would miss their flight after they checked in at American Airlines and were subject to extra TSA scrutiny. On the person’s way back from Mexico, he landed in Newark, New Jersey. He was stopped at immigration and told to follow someone to the back. He was interrogated, interviewed and flagged because “facial recognition” had matched his face with someone who had been at the January 6th Trump speech, not the terrorist attack at the Capitol. This person did travel to the Capitol on the January 6th, but only to listen to Trump’s speech and was no where near the Capitol building when the terrorist attacks (mostly by Qanon loons and BLM/AntiFA terrorists) took place. He is angered and says this is a violation of his civil liberties. I have the person’s name and Facebook link, but I want to get his permission to post that information first. This is his post:
Pennsylvania Trump supporter claims from Bucks County says he was stopped by TSA over ‘facial recognition match’ |
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This past week I travelled to Mexico for a planned trip with my daughter. When I tried to check in for my American Airline flight I was held at the gate, told I was being screened by TSA and would not be able to make my flight because of it. I was put on a later flight after going through a very intensive TSA screening. I thought it was just random bad luck. I finally arrived, had a lovely week with my daughter and attempted to fly home. I was again held at the check in counter of United airlines for extra screening but did make my scheduled flight. I arrived in Newark NJ last night and proceeded to passport control, as I have done numerous times in the past with absolutely no issues, and was stopped at immigration and told I needed to follow them into the back room and be interviewed/interrogated. At this point I am beyond upset (I’m a tax paying law abiding American with absolutely no record) and asked curtly what is going on??? (They also took my adult daughter in for questioning) The officer informed me that due to facial recognition I have been flagged as a participant in the DC domestic terrorist attack on the capitol and they needed to question me!!!! I WAS SHOCKED. I told them I did travel to DC on Jan 6th to attend the rally and to listen to the President BUT I was absolutely no where near where the incident occurred and how is it possible for me to be associated at all with the few radicals that went into the capitol when the majority of the people at the rally were peaceful and respectful? Are we as Americans no longer allowed the right to assemble? Thankfully the officer was very nice and after my initial shock I was able to answer his questions calmly and we were let go. Only on my way home did I realize the reality of what had just happened. I had been flagged by my government as a potential domestic terrorist simply because I attended a rally in support of the President and if the officer hadn’t been a nice man-they literally could have held me indefinitely and there would have been absolutely nothing I could have done. I am putting this out there because I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if so how did they get off this “list” and most importantly I am asking-have we ever been the land of the free or has it all been an illusion? Is that why Trump was so hated? did he try to pull the curtain back and expose the people behind it? TIA
Welcome to Bidenville people. If you even went to the Capitol just to listen to Trump’s speech, or visit someone on January 6, 2021, you will likely have problems the next time you try to fly anywhere, especially internationally. You people let this happen by letting Biden win this election and allowing Democrats to have the House and Senate. This is what America is now under communism.
Trump supporter in PA just posted this. Stopped by TSA over ‘facial recognition match’ pic.twitter.com/y7r7Y81oK3
— Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) January 29, 2021