Now that the inauguration is over, one would think that the national guard would go back to the various states and be able to go back to their day jobs. Now apparently, the communist Democrats want to keep at least some national guard in Washington D.C. until at least March 12th! This is absolutely ridiculous! There are no more threats of violence or “extremism” unless BLM and AntiFA get mad about something again. What do they want? Have these people sleep in garage on cold floors for two months?
Communist Democrats want to keep national guard in DC until at least March 12th! |
The National Guard Bureau is working on a plan to call for thousands of volunteers from the 25,600 Guard members in Washington, D.C., to remain on duty in the city until as late as mid-March.
Guard officials announced Thursday that approximately 15,000 Air and Army National Guard troops would begin returning to their home states as early as this weekend.
While the inauguration took place peacefully, the Guard is still supporting requests from the U.S. Secret Service and federal law enforcement. Guard officials said Thursday that approximately 7,000 troops would likely remain in D.C. through the end of January.
As of Friday, the plan is to have up to 7,000 troops remain in D.C. through March 12, but those details are still in the planning stages, a National Guard official told