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“Friends of Pence” may vote to convict Trump in Senate impeachment

By the time the Senate gets the their part of the sham impeachment, Trump will be out of office and Biden will be doling out power and money to China and other communist countries around the world. The only thing a Senate conviction would accomplish is that Trump couldn’t run for office in 2024 or any time in the future. While getting 17 Republican Senators doesn’t sound like it would happen, consider the new rumblings coming from left wing cesspool The Hill. There’s a group in the Senate called the “Friends of Mike Pence” who may vote to convict Trump because of their bitterness that Trump was pissed that Pence stabbed him in the back during the electoral college voting.

“Friends of Pence” may vote to convict Trump in Senate impeachment

Then there’s “Friends of Pence”: primarily Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), raising the vote to 63. This list could be — and probably is — much larger. The way Trump dumped Mike Pence and left him to run from the mob infuriated Pence’s allies. Inhofe went public with his disgust.

Then add the others who are retiring, are just RINOs or attention seekers like Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Ben sASSe, Lisa Murkowski and John Thune, you still don’t have enough votes.

Then, consider the wild cards and “Friends of Thune”:

Consider the friends of Thune: John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) — senators from the Dakotas and Wyoming — all have common interests and have won with big margins in small states where people have personal relationships with them. Trump is not much of a threat. They would bring the conviction vote to 62.

Three retiring RINOs who have nothing to lose (including Pat Toomey who’s a Trump hater): Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.),

Wild cards include John Cornyn, Dan Sullivan, Shelley Moore Capito and of course the devil himself Mitch McConnell, and now you are getting pretty close to 67 votes with all 50 communist Democrats voting to convict.