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Watch: Traitor Lindsey Graham (McCain Jr.) gets a nice greeting at airport in DC

I hate Lindsey Graham. I have always hated McCain Jr. Lindsey Graham ever since I became a political junkie. Usually, he gets mobbed by crazy leftists as airports. But now the tables have turned. For not calling for an audit of the vote and sticking a shiv in the back of Trump, the country and all Trump supporters, flimsy Lindsey Graham had a nice little greeting waiting for him at the airport in DC as he headed off to Charleston. Lindsey Graham was greeted with profanity, chants of “audit our vote”, profanity and suggestions that he his going to be going to Gitmo. Watch the video, remember it’s loaded with profanity, so it’s not suitable for work.

Watch: Traitor Lindsey Graham (McCain Jr.) gets a nice greeting at airport in DC
Watch: Traitor Lindsey Graham (McCain Jr.) gets a nice greeting at airport in DC