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Stupid Republicans reelected Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel as chairwoman

Sigh…. These moron Republicans never learn. Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel, who should have been fired after allowing the November election to be stolen right in front of our very eyes, then allowing to radical communists’ Ossoff and Warlock to win both Georgia runoff elections will be chairwoman of the RNC for at least the next two years. This idiots just never learn. Having idiots like Ronna McRomney will just ensure greater Democrat communist victories in 2022, instead of Republicans easily taking back the House and maybe the Senate that they blew.

Stupid Republicans reelected Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel as chairwoman
Stupid Republicans reelected Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel as chairwoman

Republicans will never see another dime from me in campaign contributions. NO Romney should have a place in the Republican party.