Well isn’t this amazing… Nashville bombing terrorist was in fact a cop hating, pot loving socialist-communist after all. Surprised? Take a look at him. He looked like your typical communist with the hippie style hairdo ever since high school. Don’t take my word for it. Even a former co-worker describes Tony Quinn Warner as a “hippie” bragging about how he hated cops because they are all corrupt or something. Looks like AntiFA and BLM last another foot solider. They love destroying property, and that’s exactly what Tony Quinn Warner did for them.
This is also why the media and “authorities” took so long to release Warner’s name, scrubbed his social media and only have this one picture out on him. I’ll bet someone has a photo of this terrorist at a BLM/AntiFA terrorist “peaceful protest” in Nashville.
Oh look! Terrorist Tony Quinn Warner hated cops, loved weed! Can you say progressive-socialist? |
“I worked with Tony as his helper. I kind of looked up to him. He was kind of a hippie. Had long hair, a Magnum, P.I. mustache,” Lundborg told The Daily Beast. “He was a smart cocky kind of guy. I rode around with him all day every day—during the summers, at least for a couple years.”
Lundborg said Warner disliked authority, loved smoking weed and claimed he’d just gotten out of the Navy. (It’s unclear whether Lundborg was ever in the U.S. Armed Forces, but records show he was arrested for marijuana possession in 1978.)
They drove around listening to 103 KDF, previously Nashville’s main rock station, and if Warner spotted a police officer, he’d break his silence to lecture the teenage Lundborg.
“I hate cops. They’re all corrupt,” Warner would say. “Never trust a cop.”