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Does sick Joe Biden have COVID-19? Can’t stop coughing, clearing throat during propaganda speech

Someone call a doctor! A real one, not his hack wife who the media claims she is a doctor as she was a PHd. Joe Biden seemed sicker than usual tonight, constantly clearing his throat and coughing as he delivered his propaganda speech that was eaten up by the media. Even fricken NewsMax put this crap on for awhile. We already know Biden stuck to his basement during most of the campaign for a few reasons. One of which is the election being rigged ahead of time for him, the other he being to mentally and physically frail to campaign like a real candidate for president. Looks like The Big Guy is sick. Does he have COVID-19? Yes, even the crooked and evil get sick too.

Does sick Joe Biden have COVID-19? Can’t stop coughing, clearing throat during propaganda speech
Does sick Joe Biden have COVID-19? Can't stop coughing, clearing throat during propaganda speech