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RIGGED! Antrim County in Michigan has “skewed results”

The unpredicted rigging in the battleground states by Democrats is beyond anything any of us could have even imagined. Take for instance Antrim County in Michigan. Trump crushed Hillary Clinton by 30% and over 4,000 votes in this county in 2016. Yet this year, it’s suddenly flipped (with help of the corrupt Democrats). The results so far show Biden by 3,200 votes! This is complete and utter BS. The county’s public information officer said they are aware of an “apparently skewed result in the Unofficial Election Result tabulations” and have been reviewing the results for possible discrepancies. Antrim County, a Republican stronghold since 1884. Only twice has the county gone for non-GOP: 1912 for Roosevelt (ran as a progressive), 1964 for Johnson.

RIGGED! Antrim County in Michigan has “skewed results”
RIGGED! Antrim County in Michigan has