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Trump makes remarks at White House – warns corrupt Democrats, if they try to steal election, he’s taking them to Supreme Court

The fix is so obviously in, it’s not even funny. The media, including Faux News colluding with the Democrats to try and steal this election is right there in plane site, and Trump isn’t having any of it. Trump gave remarks at the White House and warned Democrats, that if they continue with their shenanigans, of fixing ballots, he will take them to the Supreme Court. Trump has big leads in Pennsvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which should hold if Democrats can’t get away with their usual fraud. Trump will also likely win North Carolina and Georgia. It’s time to throw the Biden Crime Cartel out in the garbage once and for all.

Trump makes remarks at White House – warns corrupt Democrats, if they try to steal election, he’s taking them to Supreme Court
Trump makes remarks at White House - warns corrupt Democrats, if they try to steal election, he's taking them to Supreme Court