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Possible political earthquake in Virginia! Trump still leading with two big left wing counties counted (Fox hacks blow their call)

Right off the bat, when the polls closed, Faux News immediately called Virginia for criminal Joe Biden. But there’s a big problem. Trump is still ahead, hours later in Virginia. The two most populous left wing counties (Loundon and Fairfax) are nearly all counted which usually swing the results to Democrats. But Trump is still ahead by 6 percentage points. The margins for Democrats at the moment in these two left wing counties are also far off what they were in 2016. Keep an eye on this state. Also, the Senate Republican challenger has a smaller lead on crooked Mark Warner. If this state flips, it’s a political earthquake in Virginia.

Political earthquake in Virginia! Trump could win state (Fox hacks blow their call)
Political earthquake in Virginia! Trump could win state (Fox hacks blow their call)