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Trump even or ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio early voting

As the media continues to try and hype up early voting as a big advantage for Joe Biden (as they protect him and his drughead son), it turns out, the early voting numbers aren’t being dominated by Biden and the Democrats like in past years. In three key battleground Trump is basically even or even slightly ahead in Ohio. This is based on Republican and Democrat ballots already cast in early voting.

Also in these states, old time “Reagan Democrats” who didn’t vote for Killary in the last election aren’t going to vote for corrupt idiot Biden. You could also factor in at least some small percentage of the Democrat ballots returned are for Trump too. Can election day on November 3rd, you know Trump voters will dominate in-person voting. Don’t pay attention to Faux News or the rest of the media’s fake polls. The results so far show at least a repeat of 2016, if not a bigger Trump victory.

Trump even or ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio early voting
Trump even or ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio early voting

The Republican Party is keeping pace in mail-in and early voting in three key swing states despite polls showing early voting should clearly favor Joe Biden.

Data out of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio indicates that registered Republicans are returning ballots at about the same rate as registered Democrats in the battleground states.

In Michigan as of Wednesday, just over 1 million ballots have been returned, 40% from registered Democrats, with the same from registered Republicans. In Wisconsin, 40% of the 711,855 returned ballots have been from Democrats, while 38% have come from Republicans. The GOP actually leads in Ohio, with 45% of 475,259 early ballot returns coming from Republicans, compared to 43% from registered Democrats. The preliminary data matches up with the requests by party affiliation for mail-in ballots.

The data contradicts national polls showing Biden supporters overwhelmingly plan to vote by mail or early in person. According to a Pew Research poll released Friday, 55% of voters who plan to cast their ballot in person before Election Day support Biden, compared to 40% who support President Trump.