Carol Keltner, the mother of murdered Lee Keltner issued a heartbreaking statement on Facebook earlier. Carol Keltner says that Black Lives Matter and AntiFA instigated the confrontation between Lee Keltner and left wing domestic terrorist Matthew Dolloff. BLM and AntiFA terrorists started insulting him, and she says he was murdered because he supports the police. This is Carol Keltner’s statement and post.
Carol Keltner – mother of murdered pro-Trump, pro-police Denver protester (Lee) heartbreaking Facebook post |
My name is Carol Keltner. My son Lee was at the patriot rally today in Denver. After the rally a person on the BLM and Antifa side went up to him said a few nasty words then shot him in the head. He was murdered because he backed the police. His 24 year old son was with him. I moved to Arkansas because Colorado got too expensive and liberal. The left has gotten out of hand