Turns out even more members involved in the Michigan “militia” members are showing themselves to be Marxists, and the farthest thing for a “Right wing extremist.” You already know about Brandon Caserta. Now meet Daniel Harris. Part of the Witch Whitmer kidnap plot and arrested, Daniel Harris attended a Black Lives Matter “protest” back in June to tell everyone how pissed off he was over the death of George Floyd. Imagine that. The whole kidnap plot against Whitmer is turning out to be a collection of AntiFA and Black Lives Matter radicals who have been rampaging through cities all over the country. These “kidnappers” appear to be nothing more than a gang of left wing Marxists using third world country tactics because their feelings are hurt. The nasty witch Whitmer owes Trump and his supporters an apology. It’s HER people plotting.
Daniel Harris, part of the Whitmer kidnap plot attended a Black Lives Matter “protest” |
“One of alleged plotters, 23-year-old Daniel Harris, attended a Black Lives Matter protest in June, telling the Oakland County Times he was upset about the killing of George Floyd and police violence.” https://t.co/twRCmruL2F
— Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) October 9, 2020
The left wing media in Detroit isn’t even calling these communist thugs a militia anymore. They are rightfully calling them domestic terrorist (which they are).
After much discussion in our newsroom, we've decided that moving forward, we will be using the term "domestic terrorism" or "domestic terrorist," rather than militia. We feel these words better define the subjects of the investigation.
— Local 4 WDIV Detroit (@Local4News) October 9, 2020