This is just too funny. After corrupt second debate moderator Steve Scully was caught asking Trump hater and CNN darling Anthony Scaramucci if he should contact Trump, as if he was coordinating for Scully, C-SPAN is rushing to Scully’s defense, claiming he was “hacked.” Yea, because if you get hacked, the worst thing you tweet is something like “should I contact Trump.” Not like hackers typical load up the account with profanity laced tweets, doxxing and private information. I call bullshit.
And why would Scaramucci respond like he was expecting Scully’s tweet? If you were tweeted something weird from someone you weren’t expecting, would you responded this why? It’s more likely a DM that went to a public tweet instead.
After former Biden intern Steve Scully got caught coordinating with Scaramucci, C-SPAN claims he was “hacked” |
Hey C-SPAN, were the hackers screaming “This is MAGA country!” while they were hacking his account???
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 9, 2020