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Hope Hicks has Covid-19… media melting down

Reports are going around the media that Hope Hicks, a White House aid has Covid-19. Hope Hicks is only 31 years old and if she does have the China Virus, then she will likely have very little, if any symptoms or effects from it. It’s obviously not cool that Hope Hicks has the virus, but watching the media melt down over it is totally enjoyable. This is CNN uber hack Kaitlain Collins whining on Twitter about how of an aide Hope Hicks is..

Hope Hicks has China Virus… media melting down
Hope Hicks has China Virus... media melting down

then of course there’s Dear Diary Jim Acosta:

Turn on any other media and it’s total meltdown. The media has really taken a beating today. First John Roberts, now this meltdown. It’s glorious! Best regards to Hope Hicks. I’m sure she’ll beat the China Virus like a champ.