I’ll give the media and Democrats one thing. They are persistent. The failing New York Times and all the Biden cheerleaders in the media are flailing around after yet another anonymous hit job, claiming Trump only paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017. If this is even true, Trump did nothing illegal, he simply used the flawed tax system to deduct as much as he could, legally. Compare and contrast this story to Amazon paying NO federal income taxes in 2018. They did so legally, yet the media didn’t care because egghead Bezos is a leftist.
After failing in Russia hoax, multiple coup attempts, media back to Trump’s taxes |
The New York Times‘ exposé on Donald Trump’s tax returns suggests that the president has suffered financial losses for many years, resulting in many years when he paid little or no federal income tax.
The Times speculates that the presidency itself is Trump’s only hope to recoup his losses, either through burnishing his brand or using his political power, ignoring conflicts of interest.
But the Times has also succeeded, albeit inadvertently, in debunking several common anti-Trump conspiracy theories.