Here’s yet another example of Joe Biden’s racism, from a week ago, on one of the few days he didn’t call a “lid” in the morning for is campaign. Apparently the reason that Sleepy Joe Biden was able to stay at home so much during the early days of the pandemic, and even today when it’s almost October, is because he had “some black woman” stack the grocery shelves for him. Apparently Biden thinks black woman are only able to stack grocery shelves or something.
RACIST! Biden says he was able to stay sequestered at home was because some black woman stack the grocery shelf |
Also apparently, crypt keep Jill Biden is too above stacking the house’s grocery shelves herself. She’s busy campaigning for racist Joe Biden in front of like five people.
At 1:37 "The reason I was able to stay sequestered at home was because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf"
Why does Biden think that it's only black people who stock grocery shelves?— Rising serpent
(@rising_serpent) September 19, 2020