Meet Michael E. Rhynes Jr., the newest face of Black Lives Matter. Apparently, he’s a member of Black Lives Matter and was wearing a “Justice for Breonna Taylor” shirt as he walked into Bungalow Joe’s Bar and Grill in Louisville and started shooting people at random. As he was shooting, Michael E. Rhynes Jr. had a big, fat smile on his face. When the carnage was done, three people died, including two whites and one African-American. The local corrupt media that reported on this murder failed to mention the key details that not only was Rhynes wearing a “Justice for Breonna Taylor” shirt, but was a remember of the (should be designated a terrorist group) Black Lives Matter.
Once again, the media, Democrats, Black Lives Matter, and especially George Soros have blood on their hands.
Michael E. Rhynes Jr. – Black Lives Matter thug smiles and shoots/kills three random people at Bungalow Joe’s Bar and Grill in Louisville |
Police arrested Rhynes Jr. just after midnight on Saturday, when they found him crawling around in brush near the restaurant according to WDRB.
It was reported that he was smiling from ear to ear as he was being arrested.
Two of the men, Toreon Jermaine Hudson, 26, and William Scott Smallwood, 48, were pronounced dead at the scene, while Steven Matthew Head, 24, died from his injuries at University Hospital.
Apparently one of the victims was the fiancé of the bar manager and all three of the men worked together.
It comes as no surprise that major news outlets are choosing not to report on the fact that a major Black Lives Matter activist unsuspectingly shot three individuals. We can all agree however, that if the shooter was wearing a MAGA shirt, it would be a major headline.