A grungy looking James Lee Carr, who was likely inspired by Democrats, the media, black lives and matter and AntiFA has been arrested in connection the shooting at a Phoenix, Arizona courthouse, injuring a security guard. James Lee Carr as arrested today for allegedly firing the shots, and is 68 years old. Rather old for a communist terrorist.
James Lee Carr – arrested for allegedly firing gun at Phoenix courthouse |
Sixty-eight-year-old James Lee Carr was arrested Wednesday afternoon for allegedly firing the shots that wounded a security officer outside a federal courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona.
Fox 10 Phoenix reports the car in the photo was gray Cadillac allegedly driving by Carr.
The suspect was described as “wearing a full-brimmed hat, driving a silver Cadillac sedan westbound on Washington Street on the north side of the courthouse,” when he allegedly opened fire on a courthouse security guard who was inspecting a UPS truck before allowing it to enter the courthouse gate.
Carr allegedly fired a handgun, hitting the officer in his bullet-proof vest. The officer returned fire, striking the Cadillac roughly eight times.
Carr fled the scene and, a short time later, allegedly called his brother and confessed that he had carried out the shooting. AZ Central reports Carr allegedly told his brother “he wanted to die because he shot the security guard.”