As some, ilke Faux News leftwing hack Jennifer Griffin (married to a far left NPR hack) try to double down on the Trump hit piece about fallen soldiers from two years ago, others are trying to bail on the fake news story while they still can. Take for instance Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, the hack who spread this conspiracy theory in the first place. Even a hack like Goldberg had to admit that the weather in France two years ago did in fact play a factor in the decision not to drive for hours to the military cemetary. Between the rain and the fog, it was just too dangerous of a risk.
Atlantic Editor Goldberg admits central claim of Trump hit piece could be wrong |
On Sunday, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.
“I’m sure all of those things are true,” Goldberg told CNN in an interview on Friday when asked to respond to evidence a story he published saying otherwise is false.
In the story published in The Atlantic on Thursday, Goldberg asserted that multiple senior White House staffers heard President Trump express a desire to cancel his visit to the cemetery because “It’s filled with losers.”
“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ‘the helicopter couldn’t fly’ and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead,” Goldberg wrote, citing only anonymous sources.
Despite conceding that the cancellation due to weather might be true, Goldberg stood by his story about President Trump’s trip to the cemetery, claiming that “the public’s interest in meeting this information outweigh the ambiguities or the difficulties of anonymous sourcing” and that he will “be continuing to make that effort to move this material directly onto the record.”