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Joe Biden: ‘Highways Have Been Built to Enforce Racial Segregation’

Remember, the nest time you get on a highway, that will make you a racist and a segregationist. Because according to dumb Joe Biden, the federal highway system, built with tax dollars was built not to help people get from point A to point B. No, the federal highway system was built merely to enforce racial segregation or something.

Joe Biden: ‘Highways Have Been Built to Enforce Racial Segregation’
Joe Biden: ‘Highways Have Been Built to Enforce Racial Segregation’

The next time you see a photo of the Los Angeles freeway system in bumper to bumper traffic, remember that all those people are racists, participating in racial segregation.

Federal funds are being used to build segregationist highways, and “federal policy” is to blame, former Vice President Joe Biden says on his presidential campaign website.

On a page titled “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations,” Biden outlines strategies he shares with Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) for “pursuing environmental justice.”

Biden argues that “impacts of climate change are not evenly distributed in our society” – and that the inequity is by design, because highways are being built “to enforce racial segregation.”

What’s more, Biden says, federal funds are being used to build the segregationist highways as a matter of “federal policy”:

“Like so many crises facing the United States, the impacts of climate change are not evenly distributed in our society or our economy. Communities of color, low-income families, and indigenous communities have long suffered disproportionate and cumulative harm from air pollution, water pollution, and toxic sites.

Highways have been built to enforce racial segregation in our cities, with federal dollars and federal policy support. Coal companies have been allowed to reduce or ignore their obligations to fund retirees’ promised health care benefits and pensions. From Flint, Michigan, to the Navajo Nation, to Lowndes County, Alabama, millions of Americans have been denied access to clean, safe drinking water and even the most basic wastewater infrastructure. And although the youngest generations of Americans have contributed the least to this calamity, they stand to lose the most as they suffer from the impacts of runaway carbon pollution for decades to come.”