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New pig virus in China A/H1N1pdm09 could be next pandemic

Seems Democrats already have an “insurance policy” lined up for Trump’s re-election. Once again, the Chinese are spreading a new, pandemic like virus that is not COVID-19. This is is spread from pig to human and currently called the A/H1N1pdm09. Be ready for this come the fall and next winter especially after Trump is re-elected.

New pig virus in China A/H1N1pdm09 could be next pandemic
New pig virus in China A/H1N1pdm09 could be next pandemic

That virus, called A/H1N1pdm09, is now covered by the annual flu vaccine to make sure people are protected.

The new flu strain that has been identified in China is similar to 2009 swine flu, but with some new changes.

So far, it hasn’t posed a big threat, but Prof Kin-Chow Chang and colleagues who have been studying it, say it is one to keep an eye on.

The virus, which the researchers call G4 EA H1N1, can grow and multiply in the cells that line the human airways.

They found evidence of recent infection starting in people who worked in abattoirs and the swine industry in China.

Current flu vaccines do not appear to protect against it, although they could be adapted to do so if needed.

Prof Kin-Chow Chang, who works at Nottingham University in the UK, told the BBC: “Right now we are distracted with coronavirus and rightly so. But we must not lose sight of potentially dangerous new viruses.”

While this new virus is not an immediate problem, he says: “We should not ignore it”.