This is so hilarious. Black Lives Matter and AntiFA terrorist vandalized the home of of Olympia, Washington left wing Democrat mayor Cheryl Selby. She did all she could to pander to these left wing terrorists, even kneeling with that at a “protest” a few days ago. So what happened? THe mob came and vandalized her home. Now Selby is whining like a baby that Black Lives Matter and AntIFA are domestic terrorists because they vandalized her home. Suck it leftist. Let’s all give a golf clap to the “peaceful protesters” of Black Lives Matter and AntiFA.
Wah! Olympia mayor Cheryl Selby calls BLM-AntiFA after they vandalize her house terrorists (knelt with them earlier) |
Mayor Cheryl Selby of Olympia, Wash is upset BLM vandalized her house after she had voiced support for the protesters. "I'm really trying to process this," the mayor said Saturday. "It's like domestic terrorism. It's unfair."
Well, what did she expect? A participation trophy?
— Sally Eastman (@sallyeastman1) June 16, 2020
I wonder if Mayor Cheryl Selby @cityofolympia could clarify for her constituents what vandalism is "fair" and what vandalism is "unfair" per her statement to @theolympian newspaper.
— Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell (@AdmShovell) June 16, 2020
Mayor Cheryl Selby, Olympia, WA is totally in favor of these "peaceful protests." She WAS in favor until they attacked and defaced HER home. Now, she calls them "Domestic Terrorists." Oh, my!
— Elizabeth Owens (@eveibell63) June 16, 2020
She has a BLM sign in the window, an LGBT flag hung outside, and her property still gets vandalized by the mob. Can't help but laugh.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) June 16, 2020