The Los Angeles media is making excuses yet again for looters in the suburbs. In Van Nuys, a heavily Hispanic area, several stores, including a pharmacy and marijuana store. I guess the looters needed their opioids from the pharmacy. AntiFA has been spotted among the looters, wearing their all black attire, black face mask, and back packs.
“Peaceful Protests” looting in Van Nuys (Los Angeles suburb) |
Large band of kids looting right now. Large group of cops showed up and are chasing them through the area. Victory Blvd in Van Nuys.
— The won't happen revolution will not be televised. (@SamAsIAm) June 1, 2020
#BlackLivesMatter View of major car dealerships along Van Nuys Blvd shows many have taken ALL of their stock off of their front lots and moving them to secured lots in the rear. Fear of possible looting by BLM / Antifa/ or opportunistic criminals? You be the judge.. @KNX1070
— Pete Demetriou (@knxpete) June 1, 2020
RT:#breaking #looting #VanNuys Live Coverage KCAL9 CBSLA #GeorgeFloyd
— Charles Stewart (StewartTVNews) June 1, 2020
— Patty (@littlebytesnews) June 1, 2020
Now looting my home town of Van Nuys.
— InQuisitive1 (@QPatriot4DJT) June 2, 2020