It seems like so long ago, these same media hacks like MSNBC’s Ali Velshi were whining, yelling and calling for the arrest of peaceful protests in Michigan, California and other places to reopen the country from the fascist-communist COVID-19 lockdown. The media, like Velshi described those protester as vile as they possibly could. But when it comes to actually rioting and looting by the left, it’s purely just protest, it’s not unruly. Tbat’s exactly what baldo Velshi said on TV.
MSNBC hack Ali Velshi in front of burning Minneapolis liquor store: This isn’t unruly, its a protest |
MSNBC reporter just now: "I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly."
The guy is literally standing in front of a burning building in the middle of a riot.
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 29, 2020