Mr. Potato Head, CNN’s Brian Stelter showed what a wimp he and the rest of the left wing communist media really is. He actually tweeted that he crawled into his bed and cried because of the coronavirus. Yea, this is the same hack that constantly bashes Trump’s and conservatives for anything, especially the coronavirus. These little wimps might act like bullies on TV, but they are nothing more than cry babies as Stelter so perfectly demonstrated. This is CNN.
CNN hack Brian Stelter ‘crawled in bed and cried’ over coronavirus |
Stelter hasn’t been affected in anyway by the coronavirus. He still gets all his fatty foods delivered, he doesn’t know anyone other than bully Chris Cuomo who has the coronavirus, and certainly hasn’t lost anyone close because of it. These drama queens are really pathetic and using the coronavirus to gain attention.
I crawled in bed and cried for our pre-pandemic lives. Tears that had been waiting a month to escape.
I wanted to share because it feels freeing to do so. Now is not a time for faux-invincibility. Journos are living this, hating this, like everyone else.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 18, 2020