No matter how much the corrupt Chinese communist propaganda media in this country tries to trash Trump over the coronavirus, he becomes more popular as his approval ratings have risen about 8-10% over the past week. So the media is trying to come up with another way to hurt the American people and not make Trump look so good. Now, the Washington Post is suggesting the Chinese communist media in this country black out the daily coronavirus briefings. How pitiful.
This why I don’t understand why China is so pissed off at the American media. They are basically running Chinese communist propaganda just like China state run TV. They are basically carbon copies of each other.
Trump approval on the rise of handling coronavirus – so media wants to black out daily briefings |
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America’s increasingly unstable and dangerous establishment media are calling for a full blackout of President Trump’s daily coronavirus press conferences.
Think about that for a moment…
For the first time since World War II, for the first time in nearly 80 years, Americans have no idea what their country will look like a year from now, and the corporate media want to impose a full blackout on the daily briefings the American president is making to the American people.
There’s a lot of jokes out there about the hypocrisy of how this demand is coming from the same media that had a tantrum over the White House canceling the daily press briefings. But this time we’re talking about something so much more than hypocrisy.
We are currently in the middle of global pandemic, a state of siege that, in just two weeks, has shut down our economy and locked many of us up in our homes, either by government decree of just plain old fear, and…
In a time of national crisis, the left-wing fascists in the media want to use their corporate monopoly to put a stop to the president of the United States communicating directly with the American people who elected him.
Please go back and read that sentence again. Even if you do, here it is again…
In a time of national crisis, the left-wing fascists in the media want to use their corporate monopoly to put a stop to the president of the United States communicating directly with the American people who elected him.