CNN for whatever reason held a town hall last night. With airports basically empty these days, fewer people are watching CNN than before. Yet their “townhall” was to scare Americans about the coronavirus and spread more Chinese communist propaganda to the public. So who did CNN turn to for advice on the Chinese coronavirus? None other than communist China lover Sean Penn. Oh, he loves socialist Venezuela too. One of the things CNN asked Penn about was for military solutions to stop coronavirus. This is another China endorsed move.
CNN turns to Chinese communist lover Sean Penn for advice during COVID-19 townhall |
“I’m not a epidemiologist but I play one on TV.” Sean Penn is now a CNN Pandemic expert. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve officially “Amused Ourselves to Death!”#covid19 #SeanPenn #cnn
— Kim Funk Creative (@kimfunkcreative) March 20, 2020
Whenever I have a problem that seems insurmountable, I stop and ask myself, "Now Peter, what would Sean Penn do in this same situation?"
What in the actual HELL is Sean Penn doing on CNN talking about #COVID19?
— Peter Shankman (@petershankman) March 20, 2020
Let’s ask CNN expert, Sean Penn.
— Tuck (@TuckerLimbaugh) March 20, 2020
CNN asks actor Sean Penn for military solutions to stop coronavirus
— (@globalnews) March 20, 2020