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Chuck Schumer scolds Kamala Harris for messing around at impeachment press conference

Just how bad are things for the Democrats as the impeachment Schiff sham comes to an end? Cryin’ Chuck Schumer was forced to shush Kamala Harris to stop messing around just before the socialist pres conference began. Isn’t that racist or something? If a Republican had done the same to legs up Kamala, you know damn well the media would be crying racism.

Chuck Schumer scolds Kamala Harris for messing around at impeachment press conference
Chuck Schumer scolds Kamala Harris for messing around at impeachment press conference

I guess Kamala Harris didn’t service Chucky like she did the former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown.

These are tough times for the communist/socialist Democrats. As you can tell from heels up Kamala, this is a very somber moment.