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Left wing The Hill thinks Trump would be scared of a Buttigieg-Gabbard ticket

It looks like the Alfred E. Neuman clone, “Mayor Pete” is the media flavor of the month ago. Back in the summer it was Kamala Harris, then it was Elizabeth Fake Injun Warren. Now, it’s Buttigieg, as The Hill left wing hacks are claiming that Trump would be scared of a ticket of “Mayor Pete” and crazy socialist Tulsi Gabbard. I guess impeachment isn’t going all that well is it?

Left wing The Hill thinks Trump would be scared of a Buttigieg-Gabbard ticket
Left wing The Hill thinks Trump would be scared of a Buttigieg-Gabbard ticket

Pete Buttigieg’s recent popularity surge in Iowa and New Hampshire has many speculating that President Trump

As a package, those two candidates, with their various skill sets and experiences, do speak to a great many communities and demographics across the country. Two young veterans who served their nation in Iraq and Afghanistan now are catching the attention of American voters.

If I were in the Trump White House or campaign, that ticket would send chills down my spine.