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Next to go? Julian Castro lays off staff in New Hampshire and South Carolina

Why Marxist Julian Castro ever thought he had an actual chance to win the Democrat nomination for president is a big mystery. After fellow Texas Marxist Robert Francis O’Rourke pulled out of the campaign over the weekend, it looks like Julian Castro may be quicker to be out than deep throat Kamala Harris. He’s laying off staff in New Hampshire and South Carolina and going all in in Iowa and Nevada. Yea, good luck with that one Fidel Jr.

Next to go? Julian Castro lays off staff in New Hampshire and South Carolina
Next to go? Julian Castro lays off staff in  New Hampshire and South Carolina

Castro reporteldy can no longer afford a significant presence in early primary states and notified his New Hampshire and South Carolina teams that they would no longer be needed Tuesday morning.

Politico’s source told the Washington, D.C.-based outlet that “the campaign will continue focusing on Iowa and Nevada with a $50,000 television ad buy in Iowa beginning Tuesday morning. The moves amount to a long-shot attempt to remain in the presidential contest in the hopes of catching fire before the first contests begin next February.”

It’s not a very likely scenario. Although Castro has been “instrumental” in shaping the policy debate among the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, according to Politico, he’s failed to capture the imagination of Democratic voters and, according to the pollsters at FiveThirtyEight, has never been able to clear 1% in any meaningful national poll.

Castro wasn’t even registering in New Hampshire polls and was at 1% in South Carolina, according to the most recent polling data. He’s at 1% in Iowa and at 1% in Nevada, where he’s hoping to capitalize on the high percentage of Hispanic voters (former vice president Joe Biden has a commanding eight-point lead over the next highest Democrat, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in Nevada).